What's important in a home inspection?
The answer to the question could really fill a book. But that's problematic for beginners who may have never run an electric line, dug a well, or drywalled a room. They simply don't know all of the things that you need to look for, and there are really dozens of inspection points that are important for a comprehensive home inspection.
Homestead Inspectors LLC helps our clients to feel confidence and peace of mind knowing that they are represented by a professional who will really get in there and tell them the truth about a building.
That requires real discovery – it's a physical and a mental effort. You have to get beyond the veneer – because some sellers have a tricky habit of papering over possible problems, and making a seller disclosure pretty ambiguous.
Home inspectors need to be vigilant. That's the biggest part of their job, in some ways. They're looking for anything that can undermine the value of a property, especially in terms of health and safety, but also in terms of value. That requires some significant attention to detail!
Invisible Problems and Good Home Inspections
In fact, in addition to prying into every crevice of the building and looking underneath top-level surfaces, home inspectors need to also pay attention to invisible problems that may require complex gear and systems to diagnose.
One of the biggest ones is radon gas. High radon levels can contribute to lung cancer, but unless someone orders a competent radon test when a property turns over, they will never know what the levels are in their particular building.
The word ‘competent’ is important here. These tests are not as simple as an immediate swab. If they're not done right, with attention to detail and knowledge about how radon works, they may not be very effective. And then if an agent or someone else is able to convince you to waive the radon requirement, you don't get any information at all.
In addition to this kind of thing, the home inspector can also use infrared techniques to look at weatherization and whether your property is insulated well. This service can save you a lot of money on bills over the time that you live in your home.
These are just a couple of examples, and not at all exhaustive of what a home inspector should do when he or she visits a property. For a full and thorough home inspection, call Homestead Inspectors LLC. We are dedicated to your protection!